

taiko in docker

This tutorial shows how to setup Taiko tests in Docker. The Docker image created as a part of this tutorial can be used to run tests locally or on a CI/CD setup.

The Dockerfile in this sample uses Gauge to run the tests, However, you can modify the Dockerfile to exclude it or use another test runner.

Prerequisites #

Setup a sample project #

 gauge init js

This creates a Gauge+Taiko project sample with a Dockerfile in the current directory.

Using the Dockerfile #

Building the image

Run the following command from the project's folder

docker build -t gauge-taiko .

Running tests

docker run  --rm -it -v ${PWD}/reports:/gauge/reports gauge-taiko

The test reports are created in the reports folder in the current directory.

A note on the flags and options #


Taiko reads TAIKO_BROWSER_ARGS environment variable and passes the values as command line arguments to the Chromium browser it launches.

Note: this does not apply if the browser is launched independently and Taiko is made to connect to the already running browser instance.


Lighthouse-ci has documented chrome sandboxing and nuances with Docker here - --No-sandbox Issues are explained - "Chrome uses sandboxing to isolate renderer processes and restrict their capabilities. If a rogue website is able to discover a browser vulnerability and break out of JavaScript engine for example, they would find themselves in a very limited process that can't write to the filesystem, make network requests, mess with devices, etc."

There are several options to run Chrome headless in Docker. Puppeteer has a couple of recommendations.

According to Lighthouse-ci, passing --no-sandbox may not be a bad option. The same applies to Taiko as well. Please note that several options (other than passing --no-sandbox to chrome) require permissions/changes that apply to the entire container.


Modern websites are often built to be responsive. To ensure that the browser opens in full view-port use --start-maximized flag. Alternatively, set --window-size flag to open the website in specific viewport size.


By default, Docker runs a container with a /dev/shm shared memory space 64MB. This is typically too small for Chrome and will cause Chrome to crash when rendering large pages. To fix, run the container with docker run --shm-size=1gb to increase the size of /dev/shm. Since Chrome 65, this is no longer necessary. Instead, launch the browser with the --disable-dev-shm-usage flag: - Puppeteer troubleshooting tips

Project code in docker #

The project code can be made available on the Docker using various methods (besides adding it to the container at build time).

node_modules can have OS specific files which also get mounted on to the Docker. If the Docker is running for a different OS configuration, this will give errors unless node_modules is deleted before mounting.