

taking screenshots

Taiko's screenshot API can save images of the page you are testing.

Since Taiko uses the browser to capture screenshots, this works on headless mode. Here are a few ways to work with screenshots.

Default screenshot #

You can use Taiko's screenshot API to take screenshots of a web page. For example in the REPL (after navigating to a web page)

> screenshot()
✔ Screenshot is created at Screenshot-1592405213958.png

or in a script using

const { openBrowser, goto, screenshot, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');
(async () => {
  await openBrowser();
  await goto('google.com');
  await screenshot();

The snippets above saves a screenshot of google.com in the scripts directory with a randomised name in the format Screenshot-xxx.

Custom location #

To save screenshots to a custom location you can use the optional attribute path for example in the REPL

> screenshot({path: 'screenshot.png'})
✔ Screenshot is created at screenshot.png

Or in a script using

const { openBrowser, goto, screenshot, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');
(async () => {
  await openBrowser();
  await goto('google.com');
  await screenshot({path: 'screenshot.png'});

Full page screenshots #

By default, screenshots are only of the visible area of the page which inturn depends on the browser windows size. You can use the fullPage option to take a screenshot of the entire page for example

const { openBrowser, goto, screenshot, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');
(async () => {
  await openBrowser();
  await goto('google.com');
  await screenshot({fullPage: true});

Page section screenshot #

Taiko's screenshot can also take screenshots of a specific section of the web page using selectors for example

const { openBrowser, goto, screenshot, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');
(async () => {
  await openBrowser();
  await goto('google.com');
  await screenshot(button("Google Search"));

Screenshots in base64 format #

Taiko's screenshot API can also return images in base64 encoding format. This is useful in case you want you don't want Taiko to save the file locally but want to use another library to save it.

const { openBrowser, goto, screenshot, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');
(async () => {
  await openBrowser();
  await goto('google.com');
  const base64Image = await screenshot({encoding: "base64"});

Taking screenshots with gauge #

If you are using Gauge and Taiko you add the following snippet in any of your Taiko test script

const path = require('path');
gauge.customScreenshotWriter = async function () {
    const screenshotFilePath = path.join(process.env['gauge_screenshots_dir'], `screenshot-${process.hrtime.bigint()}.png`);
    await screenshot({ path: screenshotFilePath });
    return path.basename(screenshotFilePath);