

working with element lists

Taiko's selector API's matches the first element by default. Taiko also has API's to loop through all the matches in case there are more than one element that match the selector criteria.

Let's use a list as an example to understand this better

<ul id="fruits">
    <li class="fruit">Apple</li>
    <li class="fruit">Orange</li>
    <li class="fruit">Melon</li>
    <li class="fruit">Pear</li>

This sample uses the li HTML tag and class attributes to render a list of fruits. You can use Taiko's listItem API to select a specific item from this list

// Returns true
await listItem('Apple').exists(); 

 // Returns false (after default wait)
await listItem('Mango').exists();   

In some cases you might want to fetch the value from the list to use as data or use your own assertion library. You can do this as follows

// Returns Apple
await listItem({class: "fruit"}).text(); 

Notice that the method text() returns the text of the first match for the listitem with the class attribute fruit even though there are more matches. The following sections explains how you can access all the matches in the list.

Using indexes and loops #

To access other matches of the list items with the class attribute fruit you can use the elements in two ways.

By passing the index of the match you want to fetch

var fruit = await listItem({class: "fruit"}).element(0); 

// Prints Apple
var fruit = await listItem({class: "fruit"}).element(3); 

// Prints Pear

or by looping through all matches in the elements array using a for loop

/* Prints

var fruits = await listItem({class: "fruit"}).elements(); 

for (fruit of fruits) {
    console.log(await fruit.text());

The elements method is also available for CSS and XPath selectors

var fruits = await $('.fruit').elements(); 
var fruits = await $("//li[@class='fruit']").elements(); 

Please note

Using index based selectors #

To directly fetch the nth element, use indexes in your CSS and XPath selectors

//Returns Orange
var fruit = await $(".fruit:nth-child(2)").text(); 
//Returns Melon
var fruit = await $("//li[@class='fruit'][3]").text();

Please note, the indexes here are One-based.